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ATIMA (Agile Toolkit for Incisive Microbial Analyses) is a stand-alone tool for analyzing and visualizing microbiome data sets. Developed by the Center for Metagenomics and Microbiome Research, this software provides an integrated solution for exploring relationships between microbial communities and emergent properties of their hosts or environments. Through this web portal, you may upload biom files and generate interactive plot visualizing trends in alpha diversity, beta diversity, and taxa abundances through customizable box plot, PCoA ordinations, and heatmaps. Statistical annotations are added to denote significant correlations with metadata, enabling quick assessment of many variables. Generated data and figures can be exported as Excel-compatible spreadsheets and publication quality PDFs. These features promote in-depth interrogation of microbial communities by researchers across a wide range of expertise.
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Original BIOM
Original BIOM: Download
Component Data
Metadata: CSV
Taxonomy: CSV
Phylogenic Tree: Newick
BIOM Files
Rarefied: HDF5 JSON Tabular
Unrarefied: HDF5 JSON Tabular
Alpha Diversity
Rarefied: CSV
Unrarefied: CSV
Dissimilarity Matrices (CSV Format)
Abundance Matrices (CSV Format)
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